Saturday, December 13, 2008


I thought I wanted to write something about "seniors"..... There's so much to be said about "seniors"............ Senior dogs, senior people. I've been fussing around about what I wanted to say about this and I'm still not exactly 'settled' but off the cuff .......... here goes. I had a wonderful older gentleman come in to the office a couple of weeks ago. We have cared for his beloved pet for the last 13+ years and as soon as I greeted him (with my usual boisterous greeting for this particular man) and asked what I could do for him............... he choked up and started crying............. (ouch!!) Extracting my foot from my mouth and toning it down a bit.........I got to the 'meat' of the issue........... the Gentleman had just LOST his beloved Fox Terrier to the enevitable "age demons". I believe, he told me....... (mind you, I'm not holding it together very well at this point either) that they had taken him in and had the veterinarian perform his 'final deed'........ the most gracious of things that we can do for those we care so much about and that have given US so very much....

We comiserated for awhile and then he told me that his daughter (much to his disgust) had ALREADY gone out and got them another dog!!! They were picking it up that very same w/end!! He needed to talk & I listened intently as we went back and forth of all the wonderful things about his old dog. I think he felt that he needed more time to mourn....... and although another dog was not out of the question he just wasn't quite 'ready'. Well,.... you know, that 'ready' phase is pretty darned variable and sometimes we just have to take what the good Lord throws our way!! ...................

SO,......... low and behold, just maybe a week later, in comes "REGGIE"....... oh, boy!!! 12wks worth of pure cuteness, wild as could be, running around like a little banshee........ and his 'Dad'... just happy as could be!! :) (the daughter KNEW what she was doing!!) he was-- Yes, still mourning on one side but having a ball w/ the new 'baby' on the other side. He was grinning from ear to ear and so 'proud' of the scars all over his arms & hands from those lovely little baby teeth. (you've ALL known them!!) Looked to all of us like a pretty nice 'hook up'. He was here just for a quickie day care stay that day, but I'm sure we'll see more of them as the need arises......... and it won't be too long before we need that first haircut. Congratulations Phil!! We look forward to caring for Reggie for a good many years to come!!! :)

Kind of got off of the subject line a little bit. But basically, I'm so glad that Phil has Welcomed another canine member to their household............ because you know, I strongly believe that EVERYBODY needs a pet. They help keep us motivated, laughing, and loved!!

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