Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Day

Well, we are.......the day before Christmas......and all through the house.....little KENL INN elves are EVERYWHERE!!! what a crew!!! what a plan!!! what a wonderment of cohesive cooperation. 104 Arrivals this morning here before we close at Noon!!!. Much of the crew has been here since 5am........ "pottying", cleaning, clearing snow & ice, getting all the spots readied & preparing for the majic 7am hour. Now, I can already tell you, some of you aren't coming in near fast enough....... we've had a little spurt here this morning but I KNOW what's going to happen............ about're ALL going to start screaming in!!! Fortunately, this is one of those times when we don't have to do a lot of switching around or waiting .....there's a spot open and ready to go for everyone. Hopefully, we get you all taken care of fairly expediently!!
The 'Chef' is starting around w/ all the food and I've seen the 'medication nurse' out doing her thing. Stuart just left on a hike (that will be a big chore today) Doug is here early for Half Day Play fun, and the groomers (that are left and not reassigned to the KENL somewhere) are in a scramble to get everyone out by noon. All the 'front staff' are here except Patty...... to get folks checked in. Patty drew the straw to come in at noon and 'clean up' whatever gets pushed to the side after the big mob hits. ..... and you know, life goes on.........Jo's here getting payroll done and other routine stuff to boot!!
Travel looks good for all of those of you that are traveling......... hopefully, no big delays. Here is our wish for you............that you are able to share your holiday in peace, love, and appreciation for all of those in your life.

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