Monday, November 17, 2008

Yea Chevy!!

Congratulations to Chevy today,...... she's completed her Level 1 certification through the PCSA!! We encourage all our staff to go through training at any level from any of the professional organizations that are pertinent to our industry ...... however the PCSA is by far the leader in what is most related to Chevy's work here at K.I. Chevy is the faithful one who greets your pet 5 days/wk. at 0500! Most people would probably feel that certainly, being the first one in the door in the morning, is not necessarily the most desirable of positions- but it seems to suit her well. She's prompt, dependable and this gives her the upper hand on knowing just what's ahead for the day by the time we open at 0700. Frankly, if you turned the lights on MY dogs at 0500 they would just look at you and say "are you kidding me?" ........... but for all of those that aren't quite ready to get up yet..... there are plenty of others that are gun-ho and ready to start the day. This gives Chevy the unique perspective of knowing the dogs and their personalities just a little bit better as she hustles to get the 'needy' ones outside and yet stay respectful of those who just aren't quite up to it yet... or who need more time to get the old bones moving.

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