Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday Preparation

With Thanksgiving just around the corner I thought I would make a note about some of the preparation that we are going through at this time. This, I guess, involves primarily the assurance of all the appropriate people being in all the appropriately prepared places at the right times over a concentrated period of time. The staff has to adjust from ?maybe 40 dogs last night to 200 ?maybe at this time next week. One of the realities of life here at K.I. is that you MUST be able to adapt to being VERY comfortable (and possibly quite bored) with time to spend at your leisure during the workday to WHAM...... you had better be on the ball, thinking ahead and know exactly what your next move will be the next day. That, and the fact that you KNOW you will be working very very hard over every holiday period....... because when the "public plays we pay".

Plans are in action to make sure that everyone knows just exactly what is expected......that we have all the pets in the right places... (exceptionally dirty dogs, fence fighters, jumpers, older and geriatric dogs together and in a more monitored spot, etc.) Hopefully I've been able to adjust anyone's schedule so that any really important family events are not being missed..... hopefully anyone who can't live w/out seeing the Huskers play at least has part of that time off. It takes a concentrated effort on everyone's part to make sure it all goes smoothly and sometimes it's a bit of a challenge to insure that all 40 some staff members are all tuned in on the same page. It IS, however, part of what we really enjoy about our jobs. Knowing that the staff will pull together and do another exceptional job and then in 5-6 days we will be able to look back and say ...."YEAH!........ we DID it again, didn't we??" is great. THEN they can go back to a more leisurely pace again and take the next week to clean up and recooperate!!

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