Saturday, March 28, 2009

Storm tree

Oh, yah............. I think I promised you Storm pictures...
here is last Monday's storm's contribution to our landscaping.
It's quite impressive ..... this was prob. a 30-40 foot cedar tree that's probably 50-60 yrs. old I'll bet........ he's right as you first turn in the driveway on the right. A sad day for his other cedar cousins that stand tall & proud right there too. It truly is amazing...... this was probably the largest of the 4 or 5 that stand there...... and it was the THIRD one in the row. He'll be lying there for awhile ..... the arborist said it would be awhile before he got here. (and Ben and I aren't into heavy tree work anymore!) We're just glad nothing was damaged and no one hurt when it came down! You can see where it actually pulled a big part of it up by the roots. When the storm was going on you could TELL that something had come down. The 'cedar' smell in the air was amazing..... even a long way away.

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