Saturday, May 30, 2009

Made it!! :)

Well, we got through the first big whomp of the summer….. Memorial Day W/E. All went well…….. AND we christened the new Executive Suites w/ 10 dogs!! WHAT a nice place we have made!! WoW!! Now that the w/e has past, and most of our ‘friends’ have gone home…… we are busy again in there….. still w/ lots of details and finishing things to do but I think last w/e gave us all a taste of what we had. Our guests were very happy and very good. That’s always a worry, because “ideally” those guests are “supposed” to be clean, quiet, and non-destructive…… In the “real” world….. unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. It’s a little tricky sometimes to determine who will work and who won’t. This w/e is again, not hugely busy but already I foresee the ‘bigness’ of next w/e. Many of the staff are trying to cram in their last few days of vacation before we get started on much more summer here…. as days off are few and far b/t from here on out.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Congratulations are in order for Paula (certified in Terriers) & Maria (certified in the Nonsporting Group). They are successfully past the first leg in their journey to become NDGAA Master Groomers. This is a long and ardent process so I’ll keep you up to date as they go. A special thanks goes to Doc & Chip’s parents who so generously let these ladies groom their dogs to specification for the last 4-5 mos. and to my Administrative Assistant, Jodene, who made the whole wk/end sooooo very much easier and enjoyable for all of us who went to the associated workshops. (talk about a ‘party’ planner!! Woo-ha!! J)

Also on the map here is our own Kassie who has graduated from UNL w/ her Animal Science degree. We all know that sooner or later we’ll lose her to vet school but until then we are always happy to have her here w/ us. Maria’s son Christopher graduates from H.S. tomorrow…… (he was still wet behind the ears when she started here!) and…. We have too many to mention fellow employees that have taken the PSCA certification since I last blogged about any of that. WoW!! Everyone got into the ‘learning mode’ here and really went to town. Amongst those that did…..Sheri, Morgan, and Suzanne all went on and did their Level II certifications as well!! Great job, everyone!!!

New Suites!!

So, here I go on some more….. on a roll here, for now. I guess the biggest news, as we kick of the summer here on this Memorial Day w/e ----is the opening of our new Executive Suites. As most of you know, we closed down the second kennel building at the first of the year and started remodeling. We have a lot of work to do yet but half of it is finished and inhabitable. I think it has gone well beyond many people’s ideas but me thinks “the vision” is becoming clearer! Hopefully, those of you who have a hard time getting in or spend a lot of time on the waiting list will not have to worry about that any longer!! Please ask for a tour…. We LOVE to show off our new ‘digs’! Dian will have pictures up on the web page soon also I’ll bet.


What?? Did I say "anniversary" in that last blog??? YEP, Ben and I are celebrating our 34th today! WoW.......... you know, I 'used' to think that was a really long time. 34 is how old Ben told the clerk at the desk he was when we got our marriage license!!! HA!! He might have had HER fooled!! :) I remember when we had first opened the KENL INN and Ben had a massive heart attack and I was deep into a LOT of 'turmoil'......... I was SO angry at the time.... and all I could do is be mad and pissy because I wanted to be married for 15 years!!! For some reason, 15 was a 'majic' number for me ....and I was convinced it wasn't going to happen! Yes, it really WAS that serious at the time..... but HA, HA!! He had ME fooled!! :):) Anyway, here it is............ #34!! and yes, there's not a day that goes by that I don't know that I am the luckiest person in the whole world and thank the Lord for every minute that goes by. Thank you, Thank you, Ben!!! It truly IS a wonderful life!

This One's 4 Lynn!!

Yes, I've been horribly negligent in my 'bloggin'............ My friend Lynn says she misses me. Maybe I'll get going again. Lynn is one of our First Response Team out in the front office. Most of you know her....... Lynn is the one that so thoughtfully brought my husband and I an 'anniversary present' here this morning!! Hence, my shriveled up sore tongue here now. Our (MY) gift was a wonderful bag of salted pistachios...... she knows my weakness!!! So now tomorrow I'll probably have a sore throat too!! I've already put them away once.... but here they are sitting right on the top of my desk!! FLUIDS!! bring me FLUIDS!!