Saturday, October 25, 2008

School Break

So, LPS is officially out on another week long break. This is good for those of us in the "travel industry"............... lots of trips planned to Grandma's house or to Disney world, etc. We are 'pumped' for the arrivals this morning and have a game plan on how to handle the heavy influx in the most efficient way possible. What w/ so many people planning trips PLUS the 11am Cornhusker f/b game this am........AND our usual gammet of Saturday morning will be a miniature madhouse in the parking lot again this morning. By the time the afternoon rolls around we'll be so quiet.............there will be plenty of time to catch up on the routine stuff.

Friday, October 24, 2008

To Begin With

Well, okay........... I've decided to start a "blog"...... to stay better in touch w/ YOU, our clients... about all the things going on here at KENL INN. I know, some of you are saying "well, sure, KQ...... like you have time to do that, right?? (maybe that's just ME saying that)..... but I thought it would be fun.... as well as a good way to stay in touch w/ some of you. I don't always get to develope as much of a relationship w/ many of you as much as I would like to any more and maybe this is kind of a one way deal but hopefully it will 'connect' us in one way or another. I'll try to keep you posted on a semi-regular basis on life here at K.I. and you can fill me in on your likes or dislikes or any questions you may have. I can't complete the intro w/out giving credit to our Police Chief.... Tom Cassidy.......... his blog has inspired me to try and be as good as an example as he is...... thanks, Tom!!!